Thank you to Emma for sharing your positive c section story with us. emmagourley🌸 (@emmagourley) • Instagram photos and videos

My pregnancy was pretty smooth apart from the usual morning sickness etc. but once I reached 32 weeks I was asked to go for a growth scan at the hospital as my midwife had measured my bump as 2 weeks ahead of where I should be. The scan did show that baby was measuring big therefore went for regular scans until 37 weeks when I met with a consultant who give me options due to baby measuring big. One option was a planned C-section; this would reduce the risk of shoulder dysmorphia and also loss of oxygen to the babies brain (two risk factors of natural birth) along with my small frame and being nervous throughout pregnancy due to this being our rainbow baby after two miscarriages we decided that we wanted to go for the safest option for the baby.
At 39 weeks I was booked in for a planned C-section I was nervous but excited to meet this baby we had dreamed of. We arrived at 7.30am and were shown our room which would be the room we would stay in till we leave (due to Covid my partner was allowed to stay with me in our private room but couldn’t leave the room until we were discharged). Once I was in the room, anyone who would be part of the operation came and introduced themselves and checked how we were which was such a lovely touch on a special day for us. We were informed of every step and when we would be going down to theatre, once they were ready for us we walked through and everyone was just so lovely and explained when they were doing things and why and they kept it very relaxed talking to my partner about the football, asked about our nursery and where we live etc. This helped my nerves and made me feel relaxed. These people do this everyday and it was nice they weren’t worried and it was so straight forward for them.
As the operation went ahead, they again explained what was happening and what I would feel and within minutes we heard a little cry which was the best noise I had ever heard. A moment I had waited so long for. They showed us him and then put him on my chest. They asked to take photos for us and made the moment so magical. All the staff were commenting on how gorgeous he was and that he was indeed a little chunk and I made a smart move. My partner and baby went to recovery whilst they stitched me up and then I joined them. In recovery I breast fed and we discussed names and the nurses joined in which was lovely. Once back in our room we were in our baby bubble and every so often a nurse would pop in to check on us and if there was anything we needed. Later that day the staff that operated came to check on us and let us know how it went and wished us luck and congratulations which again as a lovely touch.
The next day we were discharged; everything went so smoothly and we had such a positive experience. The recovery at home lasted around 1 week then I was fully back to myself after 2. Freddie was born at 10.51am weighing 8lb 15oz.